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ETNOVIDEOGRÁFICA - International Ethnovideography Festival

International film festival

2022 November, Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León, Zamora, SPAIN

ETNOVIDEOGRÁFICA 2022 – INTERNATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL is dedicated to the multiple expressions of ethnographic documentary and committed to the great ethical and social diversity of sociocultural contexts throughout the world. The Festival intends to reflect the human, cultural and social diversity of our planet.

We understand ethnographic documentary in a wide and interdisciplinary sense as any audio-visual production which main purpose is to show different cultural, social, political, historical, aesthetic and economic realities existing in the world we all share.

Both the Official Section and the Castilla y León Section of the festival can be enjoyed in person at the Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León (MECYL) from 19th to 27th of November 2022 in its sixth edition.

ETNOVIDEOGRÁFICA 2022 aims to look at other cultures, reflect on the urgencies of the world, investigate the everyday, inequality, see and dialogue, enjoy the audiovisual ethnographies of the 21st century, make independent documentary works visible and look at our Castilian and Leonese cultures.

For the second year we count on the presence of the Laboratory of Experimental Audiovisual Anthropology (LAAV_), which held the VI Edition of the ENCUENTROS LAAV_22, which took place on the 25th and 26th of November under the name "Una aproximación 'más que humana' desde la antropología experimental".

This year, 22 documentaries participated in the Official Section and the Castilla y León Section was made up of 12 films, works of unquestionable human and documentary interest. Within the LAAV_22 Encounter, three audiovisual works with a profound anthropological slant could be enjoyed.

In the Historical Documentary Section, 3 documentary films were screened, made during the 60s of the last century, corresponding to the Fernando López Heptener - IBERDROLA Archive.

In addition, the festival had School Sessions and workshops for the youngest.

ETNOVIDEOGRÁFICA - International Ethnovideography Festival
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