Istanbul International Nartugan Film Festival
International film festival
2022 December, Istanbul, Turkey
'AJAW Q'IJ' wins the First Prize Best Short Documentary Director at the Istanbul International Nartugan Film Festivali (IINFF).
Nartugan Birthday of Sun Festival (IINFF) is a festival that welcomes all groups/communities, old and new, that form the sun ritual cultures.
Language and Social Identity are, obviously, two of the most fundamental elements of this culture. Old and new all societies that adopted Sun Culture show surprising similarities both in these two fields and in their way of life. We aim to organise an annual international festival to celebrate the oldest known sun culture in the world, Turks and their language Turkish at a time that would correspond to Her Nartugan.
With the help of cinema, we desire to create a cultural unity between the people who speak the first Sun language Turkish and its dialects, wherever they may be.
In short, we invite all films that are concerned with American Aboriginals, Shamanism, Paganism, their language, culture, social life and above all else films that are made by people who think in Turkish.